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NPC to review draft that clarifies nature, status of State Council

Time:2024-06-03 17:50:13 Source:healthViews(143)

China's top legislature will review a draft legal revision this week that clarifies the nature and status of the State Council, China's Cabinet, Lou Qinjian, spokesman for the second meeting of the 14th National People's Congress, said on Monday.

"The Organic Law of the State Council is a Basic Law on the organizational and working institutions of the State Council," he told a news conference in Beijing, adding that the current rules were adopted more than 40 years ago and played a positive role in advancing the central government's capacity building.

Lou said the revisions came after the decision by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to transform government functions and accelerate the construction of a law-based government.

In December, the Standing Committee of the 14th NPC Standing Committee at its 7th meeting decided to submit the law's draft amendment to this NPC meeting for deliberation.

Public opinions have been sought on the draft amendment, he said, adding that this revision is an effort on the legal front to deepen the reform of the Party and State institutions.

The revisions target four areas, Lou said.

Updated rules will clarify the nature and status of the State Council and the guiding principles of its work, and improve provisions on State Council institutions and their power and functions, he said.

The amendments will also improve the State Council meeting system, and add measures on the State Council's comprehensive and correct performance of duties in accordance with the law.

"This session will listen to the explanation on the revision of this law and friends from the media are welcome to follow that," Lou said.

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